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Q 我應如何支付我的訂單?

A 我們的網站可以支持多種支付方式,如:VISA, Mastercard, AE, Apple Pay 和 Google Pay。當然也有PayPal。 

Q 你們的網站安全嗎?

A 您可以放心,在我們網店購物是安全的。我們使用最新的安全系統和加密軟件來確保您的個人詳細信息(例如姓名、地址和銀行詳細信息)安全。 


Q 你們運送有任何附加費嗎?

A 一般情況下,所有額外運輸成本,例如:停車場 / 卸貨區費用,我們都會以實報實銷的方式向客戶收取.如有樓梯或梯級需另行報價. 





About Order

Q How can I pay for my order?

A We accept the following payment cards: Visa, MasterCard, AE, Apple Pay and Google Pay. We also accept PayPal payments. 

Q Is it safe to order online?

A You can rest assured that shopping with our website is safe. We use the most up to date security systems and encryption software to ensure your personal details such as name, address and bank details are kept safe and secure. 

About Delivery

Q Do you have any surcharges for shipping?

A Under normal circumstances, all additional transportation costs, such as parking / unloading area fees, will be charged to the customer on a reimbursement basis. If there are stairs or steps, please quote separately.